Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Double Six: The Lightest Piedra

We already started getting feedback from fans of our blog!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Dominoes the Venezuelan Way

I learned how to play dominoes in Venezuela. My grandfather Don Alberto, a dominoes champion for many years, and my dad are to blame for my passion for "Las Piedras". Spending most of my days as a kid watching them place one Piedra after another on weekends and every family reunion only fueled me to learn the game just so I could sit and play with them.

This Blog will touch on the strategies and techniques we have used over the years. I don't pretend to be an expert nor do I expect you to follow my suggestions. Most are based on tradition and not on statistics. The goal of this blog is not for you to become an expert Dominoes player but to better enjoy the game. What I will guarantee is that if you and you partner, Domino Partner that is, use these suggestions you will likely end up winning more Trancas than your opponents!